Create Paisley

CREATE is a youth charity based in Paisley, working primarily with young people in music, arts, photography and video.

Create Paisley

About Create Paisley

2 Smithhills Street, Paisley PA1 1EB
Create Paisley Website
Follow createpaisley on Twitter
Facebook information can be found here

Create runs events and workshops inspired by the interests of local young people.

Regular workshops are run allowing young people to develop skills in sounds, arts, video, photography, alongside exploring issues such as social justice and making a positive impact to the local community.

Create looks to engage and empower local young people to inspire the positive transformation of Paisley through creative activism, media, culture and the arts.

For more info or to get in touch, connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.

Upcoming Events at Create Paisley

More Youth Groups in Renfrewshire

Paisley YMCA

39 High Street, Paisley PA1 2AF

Paisley YMCA are a youth and community space dedicated to fun and digital inclusion in the heart of Paisley, creating opportunities for young people to explore, innovate & create!


Johnstone Phoenix Youth Theatre

27 Byres Road, Elderslie PA5 9AQ

Johnstone Phoenix Youth Theatre is an amateur dramatics group for children aged 8-18. It was founded 20 years ago by Margaret Charmichael and has thrived every year since.


33rd Gleniffer Scout Group

33rd Gleniffer Scout Group Stoney Brae, Paisley PA2 7TG

The group was formed in 1941. We have been in our current location for about 40 years.The 33rd Paisley (Gleniffer) Scout Group is a registered Scottish...


Renfrew Sea Scouts

5 Muir Street, Renfrew PA4 0SB

Scouting actively engages and supports young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.


1st & 3rd Renfrew Boys Brigade

Renfrew North Parish Church Renfield Street, Renfrew PA4 8RG

The 1st/3rd Renfrew Company was created upon closure of Renfrew Old Parish Church Halls leaving the 1st Renfrew Company looking for new premises. After...


2nd Renfrew Trinity Scout Group

Trinity Church Halls Fauldshead Road, Renfrew PA4 0RY

We are a well-established and flourishing group, we are based in Trinity Church Halls, Fauldshead Road, Renfrew. We have been going for almost 100 years, serving Renfrew and beyond!


Johnstone 1st 3rd Scout Group

Scout Hall Campbell Street, Johnstone PA5 8EJ

Scouting has been in Johnstone for 110 years Johnstone 1st-3rd (Central) is now joined in the town by Johnstone 2nd (Fordbank).


Paisley Sea Cadets

Brediland Community Centre Cardell Road, Paisley PA2 9AF

Do you seek endless fun and adventure? Are you between 10 and 18 years old? Paisley Sea Cadets meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays 7pm to 9.30pm!


2nd Johnstone (Fordbank) Scout Group

Fordbank Primary School Teviot Terrace, Johnstone PA5 0NP

Johnstone Fordbank Scout Group provide scouting opportunities to young people to improve confidence, experience the outdoors and have fun!


8th Paisley Boys Brigade Company

Martyrs' Sandyford Church King Street, Paisley PA1 2LS

The 8th Paisley Boys' Brigade Company provides a varied programme of activities for three different sections.


St Matthews Youth Club

St Matthew's Church of the Nazarene Gordon Street, Paisley PA1 1XL

Thrive is a weekly youth group at St Matthew's Church of the Nazarene where youngsters can socialise with other young people and get involved in various activities in a safe environment!

All Youth Groups listings in Renfrewshire

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One Ren
Glasgow Science Centre
One Ren
WSS Media Scotland
Helensburgh HEART
Go Radio

Popular Events

Renfrewshire Macaroni Cheese Club Meet-Up
Join the Renfrewshire Macaroni Cheese Club for their first macaroni meet-up at The Ugly Duck in Paisley on Tuesday 11th March!
Hello, Dolly!
Johnstone Phoenix Theatre Group are proud to present their latest production of the classic musical Hello, Dolly! at Johnstone Town Hall from Wednesday 30th April!
Spring Art Week!
Spring has sprung, and Erskine Arts are getting arty! Join them over the holidays for five days of art, craft and fun with Amanda.
Elderslie Kirk Players - Amateur Dramatics Group
Elderslie Kirk Players are on the look out for some fresh talent, join them for a free taster session on Monday 10th March!
Mindfulness Classes
Join Hilary Valentine Holistic at Station Seven on Wednesday evenings for an hour of positive mindfulness and relaxation to reset and revive you!

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