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Music Events in East Renfrewshire
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Music Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians
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Music Events in Fife
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Music Events in Glasgow
Here's a selection of Music Events you can find over on our sister site, What's On Glasgow:
Enlightenment: An Immersive Light Show
21st December 2024 - 9th April 2025
Watch the iconic Merchants House of Glasgow come alive with Enlightenment, a spectacular sound and light show, set to the enchanting melodies of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons!
Be part of an evening of magical mediumship as International Psychic Medium Fiona Stewart Williams brings her new amazing tour to Paisley on Wednesday 1st October!
Enjoy a top class afternoon of music in support of two great charities when Trio Alma perform at Calder United Free Church as part of the Lochwinnoch Mini March Festival!
Starring Vicky Entwistle, Living the Life of Riley is a heart-warming, heart-breaking and hilarious tale of a family, trying to negotiate their way through teenage tantrums, autism, and Grandma.