Christmas Events in Renfrewshire on 01 July 2028
Scroll down to view the events taking place in Renfrewshire on the 01 July 2028, or use the filters to narrow down the results.
Events in Renfrewshire
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Christmas Events in East Renfrewshire
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Christmas Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians
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Christmas Events in Fife
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Christmas Events in Glasgow
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Christmas Events in Lanarkshire
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Christmas Events in Stirling
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Events in Other Areas
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Popular Events
It seems Renfrewshire is a treasure trove of beautifully designed buildings. So
anyone interested in local architecture will enjoy Paisley and District u3a's next event.
Twisted! The Musical is a continuation of the classic tale Oliver Twist - a story about a boy who wanted more! Don't miss it at Paisley Town Hall in August.
Come shake a tail feather with the UK's supreme Tina tribute – Justine Riddoch – and her talented cast at Paisley Town Hall on Friday 4th July!
Magic Gareth, one of the UK's TOP Family Entertainers comes to Paisley Arts Centre, and this time he is bringing his balloons!
Legendary magician the Great Baldini and his unruly magical menagerie explodes chaotically across the stage with this all-ages magic show at Paisley Arts Centre!
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