Christmas Events in Renfrewshire on 02 September 2027
Scroll down to view the events taking place in Renfrewshire on the 02 September 2027, or use the filters to narrow down the results.
Events in Renfrewshire
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Christmas Events in East Renfrewshire
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Christmas Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians
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Christmas Events in Fife
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Christmas Events in Glasgow
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Christmas Events in Lanarkshire
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Christmas Events in Stirling
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Events in Other Areas
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Popular Events
Join Renfrewshire Model Railway Club, Cupar Model Railway Club and Leven Valley Trains for the Micro Layouts Model Railway Show on Saturday 22nd March!
Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Hass continue to thrill audiences internationally with their virtuosic playing, don't miss them live at Paisley Arts Centre on Sunday 1st June!
LIFE is an exciting new work from Maria MacDonell performed with Leo MacNeill, don't miss it at Paisley Arts Centre on Tuesday 27th May.
Hot off the heels of their sold-out 2024 tour, The Naked Neds are back! Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughter, tears, and maybe a few awkward moments with Paul, Jamie, Tony, Harry, and Bev!
Calling all GBX fans... George Bowie is back at the Normandy Hotel on Friday 21st March with another night of all your favorite dance tunes!
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